Nice Curves Part 2: (Read Part 1)
Presented by Chris SmithThe 1/4" arbor makes using the Sanding Star a breeze. Simply chuck it in and you're off and sanding. With an operating maximum speed of 3,200 rpm, you will have no trouble controlling this little miracle. Think about your toughest profile and the Sanding Stars will make short work of those old headaches!
MINI MOPS are great for the small carving or other project where small detail sanding is required. This product is a great addition to woodworking shops and hobbyist tool boxes alike. Whether you are a carver needing to touch up small relief carvings or a metalworker needing to sand and polish in tiny places, these mini mops are the perfect answer. They work great for sanding in between cutouts on scroll work or inside holes. These are very versatile little sanding mops. Made from KLINGSPOR'S Famous GOLD flexible sanding material, these mops can be used on all Dremel, Proxxon, King Arthur, and Foredom type tools easily. They are available in 1”, 1-1/2”, and 2” and mount to a small 1/8” mandrel via a small screw. You can purchase the mega kit that includes one of each size and one of each grit if you prefer to have a variety of options.
SAND-O-FLEX is perfect for sanding contours, profiles and carved parts. The Sand-O-Flex wheel is a quick fix for these sanding problems. The abrasive flaps are backed by brushes that help to push the sandpaper into the desired surface shape. The slashed abrasive works great on more severe profiles and contours or for flat surfaces and minor contours. The replacement sandpaper is held conveniently in the center core of the wheel so when you need to "freshen" your sandpaper, simply pull it out of the core, like a weed eater spool, and cut off the old ends. The Sand-o-flex isn’t quite as versatile as the previously mentioned items, but does fill a need for certain contour sanding. The kit includes 100 grit sandpaper, but other grits from 80 to 320 are available. Do NOT exceed 2,400 RPM when operating the Sand-O-Flex.
GUINEVERE sanding system is a miniature sanding system that actually conforms to the shape you are sanding. Guinevere starts with a quiet 1/2HP (300watt) motor and offers a versatile, custom selection of inflatable rubber sanders and sleeves. Guinevere is a revolutionary sanding system that is the perfect compliment to our line of carving blades, carbide shaping discs, flap disc sanders and miniature carving sets.
This system of inflatable sanders adapts to the shape of your work, from concave to convex, angled or flat. It is perfect for sanding bowls, carvings, or any other project that has uneven surfaces. The long life sanding cloth sleeves allow you to quickly change between different combinations of sanders and grits. The kit includes a Sanding & Polishing Motor, Flexible Shaft, and a Basic Sanding Kit, which includes a hand pump, round dome sander w/ 4 sleeves, 1-5/8" x 1-3/4" drum sander w/ 4 sleeves, cleaning stick, chuck key, and instruction manual. Most of the components can be purchased separately as well in the kit listed above.
The flex shaft allows you to reach into a project where stationary units will not. It will allow you to reach the hard-to-reach areas and will hold up to great to the abuse that both production and home use will throw at it.
Mount the drums and sleeves directly to the unit and hold on to your project with both hands for a more secure sanding and buffing experience.
GUINEVERE® offers a variety of profiles to achieve whatever your needs are. With three straight drum sizes and two ball end sanders, you will find unlimited use with the Guinevere system. The inflatable sanders are pumped up through an air inlet in the drive shaft located in the bottom of each sander. The air valve design leaves the bottom flat with out a clumsy protruding valve on the sanders.
This solution allows the bulb to constantly flex and change shape, making the sanders soft all the way to the edge. Fit each bulb with custom sanding sleeves and polish cloths to achieve a velvet soft finish not possible with hand sanding. The sanders become flat when pressed against a flat surface and round when pressed against a round surface, easily conforming to the shape they touch. Consequently the sanders should be filled with very little air. Because of these features, there are many places where the GUINEVERE® sanding system can be used. The motor runs at 3600 rpm so some of the Klingspor mops can be chucked in and used on this system as well.
TADPOLE sanders are the way to go if power sanding isn't for you. The tadpole sanders are great for angles, edges, corners and curves. Just wrap sandpaper around these flexible rubber shapes and sand your concave and convex surfaces and profiles without a worry of sanding away any desired contours. Get into a variety of angles with the pre-shaped angled heads of 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees. This is perfect for furniture, toys, molding, etc. and uses paper or adhesive sheets, which is typical scrap paper you will find laying around the shop. It will sand one shape at a time, unlike some of the other items mentioned earlier, but it does allow for more control over what you are sanding and the pressure that is applied.
SOFT SANDERS is a pack of six blocks of three different densities, which vary in firmness and yet all are soft enough to be distorted or compressed into places that are hard to sand. Every single curve and surface on each block has been designed for a purpose. Soft, rounded edges virtually eliminate gouging. Blocks glide over varying surface levels like a carwash mitt without flipping over. The zero-fatigue blocks are super lightweight and designed to be comfortable no matter how you hold them. Soft Sanders are soft & pliable yet extremely durable plus are resistant to most solvents. Tapered edges of the blocks allow you to sand up to and underneath those hard-to-access areas. The Corner-N -Cove™ block with its offset handle allows for a clear view of the surface being sanded. Wrap on the cloth backed sheets in the grit that is needed and sand away.
CURV A FLEX is one of the most versatile hand sanders on the market today. Virtually any shape from grooves to dowels to turning can be easily sanded with the CURV-A-FLEX. The sander "locks" the sandpaper in so there's no crimping or creasing that could ruin you work piece. Wrap the sandpaper around the outside or use it on the inside to sand rounded objects. Curv a flex may be used wet or dry with any half sheet.
If you have any questions regarding any of the sanding solutions listed above, please call Klingspor's Woodworking Shop customer service representatives for assistance at 800-228-0000.